Sunday, September 9, 2012

Start Up !

Dear new Readers,
Well, how shall I begin?
The best might be to start introducing myself.
 I am a young woman in the twenties, so possibly one of the best times to discover yourself and the world around you.
Actually I am pretty interested in everything being connected with Culture and Creativity. I  like to sing, listening to music, at the moment that means Indie, Jazz, Alternative and sometimes electronical and classical music- that depends on the mood, right? I love going to the cinema to watch french films from drama to comedy, Woody Allen is also quite nice I think, visiting the theatre or galleries. I am also a fan of nature and fashion.
Unfortunately this passion s limited to reading about it on other blogs or in magazines and to go shopping in vintage shops from time to time. But I would love to learn a bit more about how to design and make your own clothes.
 I also like cooking and learning new languages, I just manage to speak four of them fluently so far which is  german , french, english and dutch. The last two ones play a major role in my current life as I am living somewhere in the North of the Netherlands studying Psychology- in English.
This choice study was a nice way to combine my interest in foreign cultures- although the dutch culture isn´t that far away from the german- my "mother culture"- one and to start learning more about human´s insight in a scientific way.
So far to my personal details.
It feels weird to try selecting information for other people who might be interested in what comes to my mind in everyday life. On the one hand, you try to be objective but at the same time, it feels a bit like advertising yourself. But to be clear, that,dear prospective readers, is absolutely not the aim of this blog ;)
I just want to share some impressions of my young student life with people with similar interestst and the nicest outcome might be to get and give inspiration  at the same time, right?
So what am I doing the whole day?
 Basically I am, or at least should be, studying, which means a lot of reading in order to prepare lectures, exams and other activities. As I am still new in this business as well I really have to get used to it. Going to university is so different from all learning, I have done before!
In my free-time I like meeting friends, some of them I knew before I moved to this incredible nice city and the other ones are more future ones ;)
I want to to sports as well, I thought of climbing and restarting to dance but I am not in the local student-sport-association yet. There are so many things that need to be organized when you move to a new country, that sometimes really sucks.
Today I just rode to the local market and bought some nice dutch cheese, fruits& veggies, which are so cheap, even cheaper than in the supermarket and finally also some nice bread. Germans are a bit special concerning this bread-topic, we manage to eat some white-toast-like bread for some days but get frustrated if we don´t have our wholemeal stuff ;)
I really like going to the market, the Dutchies  still do this screaming to advertise their products and if you´re late and  appear to be a poor student you often get things for free like flowers or cake like today.
Moreover I bought a nice bag for my bike to do my shopping, I have to show it:

Isn´t it cute?
Okay, I agree, that the tulips are sooo dutch, but I just liked it :)
I also  procastinated successfully - which I normally try to avoid and read only a few pages about " Consciousness" but as I have still tomorrow that is no personal loss ;)
Guys, I want to write so much more, post pictures, things, that inspire me and stuff, but as it is already veeeery late and as I am super tired that has to wait until tomorrow.
I promise you, that this a bit ordinary post was just the beginning.
Peace , Love and Hapiness

1 comment:

  1. Hey Coraline,
    ich habe deinen Blog über Aryas Blog gefunden. Da du dort eine .nl Adresse stehen hast, dachte ich mir, ich schaue mal vorbei :)
    Es ist schön, jemanden in der Bloggerwelt zu finden der ebenfalls in den Niederlanden studiert :)
    Ich studiere Kreativtherapie und bin nun fleißig dabei niederländisch zu lernen, da es meinen Studiengang nicht in englisch gibt.

    Ich werde in deinen Blog immer wieder mal reinschauen :)

    Liebe Grüße, Sinje Marie
